Hi, my name is Marco I am 44 years old… I created this web page to keep some memories and thoughts of a dream that my family and I were able to complete together.
We are a family from Colombia, composed by my wife Paola, my daughter Isabella ("The teenager" she is our social media manager), my Son Juan Felipe “Pipe”, 9 years old (Who became our budget manager and trip planner during this year) and me… who became the driver + visas advisor + house manager.
To start, I have to say that we are very grateful because we were blessed to have this experience, and that every minute was worthy!! There were challenges… off course, there are always when you move out of your comfort zone.
There are some questions that most of our friends asked when we started this trip, and I would like to remember some of them to create a context to the adventure that you will find in these pages.